sixth sense and a lot of lists
i am an anal person. this is no surprise to people who know me. and though i believe everyone, in some form or another, have anal qualities, sometimes i am amazed how weird mine are. for example, i always know if someone has touched my things or been in my room. always. my room could be a complete disaster and someone has just come in to borrow a pencil that was on my desk. they can use the pencil, return the pencil, never having touched another object, and i will know. friends at school and my family at home know this about me. yes, they agree it is weird, if not creepy. and i think they believe that sometimes they get away with it. friends and family, you don't. i just don't always mention it or ask about it, but i know. not that i care if someone has borrowed this or that, really i usually don't care at all. but i have this freaky sixth sense, if you will. or maybe i am just extremely anal about where my possessions are. yeah, maybe that.
another "special" behavior i have is keeping lists. some are written down, others are just rolling around in my head taking turns replaying over and over. i have a grocery list. i have a list of books i want to read. i have a list of books i have to read. i have a list of work i need to get done. i have list of work that will actually get done. i have a list of my goals this semester. i have a list of goals for my life. i have list of sets i want to swim. i have a list of my weekend activities. i have a birthday want list. i have a christmas want list. i have a list of things i should buy before my birthday and christmas. i have a list of movies i want to see. i have a list of friends to email, friends to call, and friends to go see. i have a list of spanish words to learn. and now, yes now, i have a list of lists.
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