today, rather this week, is a sighing sort of week. this may sound strange to some, but there are times when i forget to breathe. i will be walking or thinking or reading or nothing at all and i will forget to breathe. i will hold the air in my lungs and forget to exhale. luckily, my body takes over and pushes the air out of my lungs and it comes out as a sigh. i am not sure why i do this some times and not other times. but i fear one of the days i might pass out. i never know how long i have actually been holding my breath, when my body screams for me to let it out. my mom tells me that when i was a baby and i would get so upset that i would hold my breath in protest. i would actually turn red in the face before my mom would make me breathe. wow, issues at before i turned one, i am special. but now, i am not protesting anything. maybe i am stressed or maybe i am just weird. or maybe i am subconsciously trying to improve my lung capacity. yeah, maybe that's it.
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