Tuesday, February 15, 2005

the boys are dumb

the brilliant girls that we are decided to give our enemy (aka the boys we post-it-noted) a valentine's day surprise. we filled a basket with candy, baked goods, two really cheesy stuffed animals (one i picked up used at a thrift store that was a pink pig holding a very red heart pillow that read "i'm hog wild for you"), some heart post-it notes, and a burnt cd with two songs: one way or another by blondie and i'll be watching you by police. obvious it was from the "crew" (as they are now calling us--oh so original), right? wrong. they had no idea who it was from. and--drum roll, please--they broke their phase one, which was in fact silence, by asking if we left the valentine's basket and cupcakes at their door step.

it wasn't until this afternoon, after several aim conversations and phone calls and false accusations, that they found the clues placed in the basket. oh boys, come on! at one point, they mentioned that there was no clues at all. hey, we are clever, witty women, we aren't going to be obvious. i just find it very entertaining that pranking them received silence and actually doing something nice, yet sneaky, created a huge uproar. so does this mean it is girls 2 boys 0? i think we just might win this war after all, especially since the wimpy boys aren't even putting up a fight.


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