happy new year
i have come to the realization that with age the climatic events of my youth are now just events that enter and exit with barely more than a whisper. i have considered the pros and cons to this realization and have decided it is not really a bad thing. when i was younger, christmas was a huge event and new year's eve was a huge event. now, they seem like any other day. sure, you get presents and friends come over, but it just doesn't reach high excitement levels. and that is okay with me, because i now find regular, old days a little more exciting. and regular, old activities that i can do on any day exciting. i am not quite sure how this exactly works. maybe it isn't just age, but perspective. or maybe it is perspective that only comes with age. when i was younger if someone had ask me to choose a day to repeat over and over for the rest of my life, i would have chosen christmas. now if i had to choose, i would choose a day spent with family and friends on an any old friday or saturday with no special activity--maybe a game or just coffee/tea and conversation. or maybe i would choose to live each day only once, no repeat, no rewind then play. and i think that is a good realization to have as i enter this new year.
cheers to joseph, richard, and sarah for making my new year's eve like any other night--really fun.
now, i am heading off to a belated new year's party at chris' house with stephani (who is finally home from espana) and jaimie. it should be interesting, maybe even fun.
hi friend.
i think that any event or moment can be exciting and special if you decide to make it so. i often feel disappointed during holidays spent with my family because they just don't make a big deal of anything. it's a choice. if we feel like making a big deal of new years or of a plain old thursday night i think it's up to us. so go to the store and buy a coconut and some rum, invite your friends over, make pina coladas, dance around your living room listening to bob marley, and declare it 'island party day'.
okay bye.
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