unpacked and dreams
i wish i was a witch (instead of a bitch). if i was a witch my room would be packed. i would have all my items--some of which haven't been used in years--fly in my room in perfect order and fall neatly into their designated boxes. but i am not a witch. so my bedroom isn't packed. i haven't even started the kitchen. and my parents and brother should be here around six. and my mom will not be very happy. not happy, indeed.
last night i had a string of extremely crazy dreams about my friends. the first one was with sarah. we were traveling around the country in a bus like paris hilton and nicole richie (yet another reason not to watch trashy television--but it is oh-so funny). and we would stop and do these crazy stunts and say silly things and giggle for no reason. and i said, sarah, this is ridiculous. and she said, no, it's hot. maybe we should buy a bus, sarah. it's the only part of my dream that we don't already have or do. the next dream was with brett. he decided he wanted to be a professional break dancer. and i said, brett, you can't. you just signed up for seven years of active duty with the army. and he said, i'm going to run away to canada. and i said, well, if that's what you really want to do; i guess you should go. and he told me he would write and i told him i'd see him later. the last one was with abby. she called and told me that i should move to new york with her. and i thought she was right. so i packed a bag and drove to the airport. but when i got to the airport, they wouldn't let me on the plane, because my hair was dyed. and i told them that it isn't permanent. i told them that it will wash out in thirty washes. but they still wouldn't let me go. they said it was against airport regulation. and i was so pissed. i started yelling and crying and then i started laughing at the most ridiculous rule i had ever heard. i decided to come back after thirty washes.
I'm up for buying a bus- if it means you won't move away. *tear* I am so sad.
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