Wednesday, August 10, 2005


i think i did it, kids. i passed the point. i peaked. i am now on the down slide of the stress mountain. after my meltdown (well, meltdowns), after a few panic attacks and one big one that scared me almost to death, after the wondering, after the disbelieving, after the self-doubt, after it all...i am calm, relaxed, and haven't cried in three days (yes, i know that is amazing).

yesterday, i swam my two miles (3300 meters) in under an hour--58:40 to be exact. impressed? i am quite pleased with myself. i was hauling ass, and i wasn't pissed off or anything--i was actually happy. it was my summer goal, and i accomplished it.

brett's in town for a few days, so i am hanging out with him tomorrow. that will be a nice celebration for finishing my macroeconomics class.

so i realized yesterday that i am graduating. i am going to graduate. i am going to be a college graduate. now, i am sure some of you are like, duh lindsay. but it wasn't until yesterday as i walked under a beautiful sunset-lit sky that i actually realized it was going to happen. that i actually was excited. that i was actually proud of myself for this accomplishment. it always takes me awhile, doesn't it?

p.s. to all who i owe a phone call, i am sorry, but i promise it isn't in the far too distant future. i am a free woman after friday. a free woman who will have plenty of time on her hand. and i really, really do want to talk to you all.


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