Friday, June 10, 2005

notes from my day

i admire women who can walk around the women's locker room without clothes on. these are women without the hollywood ideal body, but they do it all the same. no inhibitions. simply, confidence.

my poetry professor helped me to realize today why i have been listening to so much bright eyes lately: in my patternless world and fears of a structureless future, i have been listening to the most patterned, structured music i know.

today in my film class, we watched frankenstein and halloween. and this is what i learned: never try to be God; always make sure you use a "normal" brain instead of an "abnormal" brain when creating a monster; if you are horny, you are going to die; if you don't wear a bra, you are going to die; never drop the weapon after assuming the masked villain is dead; turn on the freakin' lights; if you hear a noise, it's best not to search for the cause; if you are responsible, you will live.

on my way home from school, i saw a man talking on his cellphone. but he was being the responsible driver--he was using the headphone-thingy. but his hands weren't on the wheel, they were flying around telling a lively story. for some reason, i found it very endearing.

i wish friends would come back. i miss them.


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