post-it note bandits strike again
we are awesome. and yes, we got caught. but i really think we wanted to. we wanted to see the looks on their face. we wanted to see michael climb on top of the roof of their apartment to see what was meant by the male caller's advice: "front door. now." we wanted to see the guys open the post-it noted package (post-it note bow and all) of all the stuff we have stolen for months. we wanted to see them scan the parking lot. we wanted to see carl jump on the hood of my car, spread eagle, as we shrilled and tried to drive away. we wanted to see the look on brett's face as he blocked the gate and used a flashlight to shine in our faces. i wanted to witness brett stealing the back license plate off my car--as i sat alone in my car yelling, "okay now i am sorry i volunteered my car," out my slightly cracked window. we got away. we always do. they tried to get us back the same night (morning): oreos, plastic wrap, and vasoline on our cars. they also stole the remaining license plates off all the cars--rachael, stephani, and sarah's. but sarah and i caught them in the act. and we each have a license plate remaining. all in all, it was pretty lame of them. it didn't even take five minutes to clean up. and they got caught. okay, yeah. so did we. but we stole things for months without being caught. we win. we totally win. and the war isn't even over.
oh. and i am a tired girl. i wasn't in bed until after four this morning. oh. but it was freakin' worth it.
and again i say, Amen, Sistah, Friend!
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