Thursday, February 24, 2005

the cross walk and martinis

every day on my way to and from school i cross berry street. now, this street is very busy. i have yet to find this street not busy, and this includes the occasional two in the morning drive homes from random concerts and such. so everyday i cross berry street at a light to guarantee my safe passage. and i hit the cross walk button--twice. now, i am pretty sure you only have to hit a cross walk button once. but i can't. i have to hit it twice. until today. today on my nice walk home, i come to the cross walk, reach out my arm, and hit the faded black button four times. and as i walked across the street towards the glowing "walk" sign, i wondered, why four? why not three times? and then after a little consideration, i thought that maybe the cross walk button is similar to olives in martinis. maybe pushing the button once or three times or any odd number is unlucky. just like two or four or any even number of olives is unlucky for martini drinkers. and then i laughed out loud--how ridiculous is it that i know that an even number of olives in a martini is bad luck or a drinker/bartender faux pas? pretty dang. pretty dang ridiculous.


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