why God's favorite sport is baseball
it is no coincidence that there are more films about the divine and baseball than any other sport. angels just seem natural in the outfield, despite the spitting and crotch pulling. for some reason, it is easy for me to picture God sitting atop His heavenly mount focused on the pitcher's holy mound. but why?
holy trinity. three is the magic number in baseball. you need three strikes to be out. you need three outs to end an inning. and there are (hang in there) three sets of three innings (nine total innings). the holy trinity of baseball.
batting average. a good batting average entails hitting the ball only about twenty-five percent of the time. that means to be considered a good hitter all one has to do is hit the ball twenty-five times out of one hundred (not including walks). i think that is a perfect representation of life. we are not always going to hit the ball. but God makes sure we have plenty of chances to get on base or even hit a home run. but we will strike out at times or hit into a double play or hit an easy to catch fly ball, but that doesn't make us bad players, bad hitters. it makes us human. no one is perfect. if we can just hit the ball twenty-five percent of the time, we are in good shape, succeeding.
dust to dust. each player comes up to bat hoping and praying they will take a run and end up at the same place where they started. it is life's cycle or, rather, life's diamond. the players are successful when they complete this cycle, they are rewarded. they work hard to end up where they started. and i believe that is exactly what humans do too. we work hard, run the bases, and end up where we started: in the arms of the Creator.
seventh inning. God created the universe and decided on the seventh day to take a rest. likewise, baseball players and fans play and watch nearly seven innings (middle of the seventh) and take a little stretch, a rest if you will.
coincidence? i think not. smile.