sarah and richard, come back.
home again, home again.
i blushed more times than i could count talking to debbie this afternoon. i couldn't even look at her. she called it confession time. oi. i don't usually blush. it takes a lot to throw me off. new goal: no more blushing.
i locked myself in my bedroom today. certain that if i stopped spinning, so would the earth. certain that if i refused to look at the sun, it wouldn't be day. certain that if i stopped ticking, so would the clock. i was wrong.
i can't even tell you how many times i have said "shit" and "no" in the last five minutes. so yeah, i thought i had until midnight to complete this past week's online class assignments. turns out it was due at midnight--as in the midnight that has already come and gone. it was only half completed. shit. oh well, i am tired. i could care less. i have cried today. i have taken a two hour nap. and i have tried to escape into the world of magic--harry potter, that is. it's not like i am going to fail the class or anything. i just...i just kind of wanted to do good. but right now, i think i want to go get back in bed more. fuck it.
i have spent the last forty-eight hours with family--some of which i hadn't seen in three years. they have fed me. jaimie has photographed their faces and feet. and i am now going to pass out from exhaustion. but wait, i have a zillion of pages to read and problem sets to finish and comments to post. sigh. i am happy jaimie drove up to fort worth, but i think the girl was trying to kill me. or maybe she was hired by sarah in hopes i would fail my classes and have to be in school this fall.
is it weird to email someone you are just friends with and ask for his ex-girlfriend's email address because you thought she was a cool person and think it would be a lot of fun to hang out with her? is it really all that weird? on a scale of one to ten? ten being super-crazy-don't-do-it weird.
my hair is short. like short-short. not quite felicity short, but dude, it has never been this short before. i cut off over ten inches. and it was kind of on a whim. i mean, i had been growing it out for locks of love, but i had no idea when i woke up yesterday morning that by three in the afternoon it would be gone. the hair dresser even said, "are you sure you want to do this? do you want to wait a couple more months and then come back?" but i said, "what the hell? just cut it now." and rachael was my beautiful witness. i wonder sometimes what my friends think of my "what the hell" attitude? even sarah said she couldn't believe i had done it. am i really that surprising? i have always wanted to be mysterious, but i talk way too much for that. but even richard said i am mysterious because what i do or what i say can be surprising. hmm. i don't know. maybe i just get bored easily. or maybe it is never that surprising to me because i really do think before i act, but don't express those thoughts sometimes until i am just about to act or have already acted. maybe that's it.
the room went black.
when i have so much work to do, why is it so easy not to care? maybe because i secretly wish sarah's wish would come true. my parents would kill me. they'd kill me.
dreams visited by God.
happy birthday, jaimie.
it terrifies me that you are reading this.
i almost went and bought a bottle of tequila.
what did i do? i must have done something incredible. if i believed in past lives, i would conclude i must have saved the world or found a great cure or brought peace to the universe or was completely selfless and sacrificed this past life for some greater cause. seriously, what did i do to deserve such amazing friends? i am in awe right now. my heart is happy and my eyes are teared with joy. these brilliant, brilliant people choose to be my friend, choose to love me. i must have been really, really good. or done something really, really right. or maybe God is just really, really good. maybe God is just really, really right. and maybe when you pray that you don't want to be alone for the rest of your life, God opens your eyes, even gives you a little shake, and says, "silly lindsay, you are not alone. you will never be alone."
i didn't want to get out of bed this morning. not because i was tired. i wasn't. not because i was sad. i wasn't. i didn't want to get out of bed, because i knew i had to. this rebellious nature i have is starting to be annoying. live in the moment, linds. live in the God-damn moment. stephani, i hope you are having more luck with this than i am.
i talked to sarah for over two hours today. and the only reason i got off the phone was because i knew i would talk to her again tomorrow.
i wonder how many of my friends know that i love to sit in the midst of a thunderstorm. it is probably on my top five favorite things to do. i didn't go to school today. i couldn't think of any good reason to get out of bed. and then around nine o'clock as i laid in my bed trying to sleep away, well, everything really, i heard thunder and noticed my bedroom was a little darker. so i jumped out of bed and made my way to the backyard. and i thought...
i have a three-pound, six week old, black and white cocker spaniel on my lap. her name is liberty (libby for short). she is my new friend.